Confirmation, Admission and Re-Licensing

The Third Sunday of Advent is the day the church celebrates the prophetic ministry of John the Baptist, fore-runner and cousin of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A service which began with lighting his candle, continued with Bishop David confirming two of our young people, Daniel and Naomi.

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Daniel was baptised here in Copenhagen and was a long-term member of the church. Naomi was baptised in the pro-Cathedral in Brussels where her mother was also confirmed. They are both members of the Youth Group which meets fortnightly for Bible Studies and Socials. Naomi and Daniel had had to wait a long time for this great occasion. (We actually hold the Diocesan record for re-arranging a Confirmation service in Covid times).

All good things come to those who wait – and in the waiting season of Advent a long-awaited event saw the Admission of Julian Simpson as our brand new Licensed Lay Reader. He began his training some 12 years earlier but with work and other commitments was finally licensed to his office of public ministry. Julian will join others in the Ministry Team and explore special areas of service.

Standing alongside him was Peter Prasadam, a seasoned Lay Reader who has already exercised his ministry at St Alban’s for the last 3 years with special care for Children, Young People and Mission in our context. Both Julian and Peter were given licenses to minister for the next 5 years.

In his sermon, Bishop David wove the threads of John the Baptist’s extraordinary, disciplined ministry with the promises made by confirmands and Lay Readers. He emphasised that their primary task (and ours) is “to seek and serve Christ” in the world through care, compassion and loving-kindness. Extra-special was Bishop David’s unique way of personalising the service and reminding the youngsters of their Biblical namesakes’ courage and conviction. They have a lot to live up to.

Waiting in the wings were 2 candidates to be confirmed next year. Please note the date when Bishop David is next in our midst for Confirmations. 12 June 2022

If you, or someone you know would like to be confirmed, please email