They do this surrounded by those who love them most, family and friends, and they seek God's blessing on their commitment and their future. The vows taken by both the man and the woman in the Church of England service are both beautiful and practical.

Who can get married at St Alban's?
St Alban's is not a parish church but a Chaplaincy. This means that there are certain restrictions as to who can be married in the church. Ordinarily, both people need to be baptised. In addition, at least one needs to be an Anglican (or a member of a Church in communion with the Church of England) or to have worshipped at St Alban's regularly for a period of six months. The man and woman must not be related within the prohibited degrees and must be of lawful age. If you do not fulfil the requirements for marriage at St Alban's it still may be possible to celebrate a service with the blessing of your marriage.
Can divorcees marry at St Alban's?
The Church of England believes that marriage is for life. We recognise, however, that sadly some marriages do fail for a variety of reasons. In exceptional circumstances the Church accepts that a divorced person, with a former partner still living, may marry again. Please contact the Chaplain ( to discuss this further. He will want to talk frankly about your past and your hopes for the future. Even if it is not possible to celebrate a wedding, a service of blessing may be offered as a possibility.